I’m getting ready to jump into the second editing session of my day on the latest Jason and Azazel book, which is now entitled Gasp, for reasons that will be explained at a later date, but first I wanted to give you a message from Dannon: Fruit on the bottom, hope on top. (First person to comment on this blog and tell me who said that gets a free ebook copy of Gasp when it comes out.)
Okay, so Joe Konrath wrote this blog post today in which he says writers whine to much, and that we should all shut up because no one wants to hear about it.
And I felt guilty, because I whine all the time on this blog, and I am, in point of fact right now, in the midst of one of the bigger depressions of the third decade of my life thus far. As I’m pretty sure anyone who reads my weekly roundups has figured out.
But then I stopped feeling guilty, because I decided I call bullshit on the whole idea.
Human beings are obsessed with whining. Everyone wants to know all about suffering. I’d say we spend way more time thinking about suffering than thinking about happiness. Why? Because happiness is boring. Happiness is having everything and not needing anything and essentially being passive. That is sincerely the thing that no one wants to read about.
Like the news, right? They use scare tactics to get people to watch, because they’ve discovered that people find suffering MORE interesting than happiness.
And all stories are about suffering. Stories are about people wanting things really badly and about having to struggle really, really hard to get the thing they want.
So, I’ve decided that I don’t care that my blog posts are whiny. Because my blog is a story. And this is the part where you watch me struggle and suffer and whine and kick a lot.
And when I get to my final goal (world domination, of course *wink*), then this blog will serve as an epic tale of how one girl believed enough in her silly little dreams she fought and fought and fought until she had conquered everything there was to fight.
So, whatever, Joe Konrath. The whining makes it worth it.