The Duke of Swords (The Highwaymen #4)

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When Miss Rae Smith’s father cannot pay his debts, she is taken away by the Marquis de Fateux, a lesson for others in his debt. This is what Fateux will do to men who do not pay. Does he marry Rae? Of course not. But he uses her. He takes her into his bed. She is ruined, ravaged, destroyed.

The Duke of Rutchester is Fateux’s enforcer. In the beginning, he tells her he doesn’t like the way Fateux treats her, but also, he can’t go against him. Rutchester owes Fateux, he says.

Anyway, with the way Rutchester looks at her, it wouldn’t be a rescue anyway, just a changing of the guard. One predator in place of another. Debauched by Fateux or Rutchester, would it really be different?


It would.

He… something about him… something about the two of them…

One night, Rutchester comes to her, smearing red stains on her thighs as he parts them.

“Where is Fateux?” she breathes.


Has she been rescued, then? Rescued by Rutchester? Rescued by a monster?

Rutchester’s book is the darkest yet, my pretties. Read at your own risk. Contains non-consensual and dubiously consensual activity. But never fear, because a happily-ever-after is guaranteed.